Monday, January 26, 2009

SOC Rovers Slide--updated

I'm re-posting an edited version of my previous comment and taking the opportunity to point out that this piece is at the bottom of "potential pieces" on the wiki--please take a look at your part and see if it in any way reflects what you've been playing (and please feel free to correct it accordingly if it does not).

Last night SOC Rovers Slide was arranged thusly:

Start w/ drums, horns counted into "A" riff (more or less as written in condensed form on the wiki) which is played 4 times. Then the "new "B" riff--which we need to write out I think I have written out on the wiki now--but it's basically a call and response between the high voices and the low. This is played 4 times too complicated to explain in text, but it should make sense as written out on the wiki now. Then 3 beats of silence precede "SOC Rovers Slide" sung on beat 4, the low riff resumes with chanting and dancing, which morphs back into the "A" part (in classic SOCR fashion) and we jam our asses off on it.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Practice: Sunday, January 25th - Open Thread

I could not make it to practice tonight, so if you were there -- please do tell us all what happened in the comments.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Business/Recruitment Cards by Nicolette

Many people were partial to the pink, I kinda liked the white one to. Tell us all what you think in the comments.

Sunday, January 18, 2009

Practice: Sunday, January 18th

Light turnout tonight so we worked on some old hitz.

Brian, a new trombone player showed up. He saw us at the Farmers Market once upon a time. We worked on some refreshers and showed him some songs. We mostly worked on stuff that didn't require sheet music.

-She Shimmy
-Oh, Bondage
-Minimalism, Maximism (sp? -- is that even a word? I never really gave it any thought...)

Shannon, Robert and Melissa worked on tossing drum sticks on the floor and making them bounce backwards. It was excellent danger!

Nicolette worked up some lovely recruitment/business cards. She's gonna send out an electronic copy so the folks who weren't there can see.

We talked about doing some roving for the next 3rd Friday (February 20th).

We were also offered a show via MySpace that Dave sent an email about a few days ago. This show is Saturday, February 28th. They asked us to play last, which at Nightlight means very late. Jeff is going to email Clarque B - the show organizer - and ask if we could do some short sets between bands. In other words, we're still mulling it over.

By request, I'm going to try to figure out how to embed the google calender into this crazy blog thingy.

Saturday, January 17, 2009

Check, check

Just seeing how the posting of videos goes.I can't make it to practice Sunday, but I'll leave you with this...

Fanfare Ciocarlia doing "Asfalt Tango"

Friday, January 16, 2009

TSE agreement

Here is a summary of our new agreement with TSE. It's very similar to our previous arrangement.

We agree to perform at 3 TSE events and 3 offsite events in 2009. We will choose the TSE events from their calendar in advance. (One of them will probably be the Durham holiday parade.) The 3 offsite events are performances where we choose to promote TSE by carrying the banner/giving out postcards/making a speech/etc. We will decide which events are appropriate for promoting TSE and will discuss with TSE in advance as to whether it would count as an offsite event.

We will promote each other on our respective websites.

SOCR can practice in TSE space Sundays 7-9pm. If anyone other than Shannon uses key, they need to sign up at TSE and get trained on opening/closing procedures.

SOCR can use materials in the open studio room, but need to purchase itmes from the retail store.

(this part is more of a long/term plan)
SOCR will begin the process of creating a visual art component as part of the band & to invite visual artists/creative individuals who are interested in designing visual works that function as part of the ensemble.

Monday, January 12, 2009

new music!

A draft of the SOC Rovers Squirm(?) is up on potential pieces over on the wiki.

Of course, if you want to see it, you have to join the band. You know you want to.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

Who says fliers don't work?

Tonight at practice we went over the new agreement with TSE. The major take away is this part:

"SOC ROVERS agree to perform at 3 TSE events, and 3 events offsite in 2009. To be determined ahead of time. Pre-authorization is required from gallery artists....blah, blah, blah."

I took that to mean we do 3 TSE events - the X-mas Parade being one, then 2 others that will be chosen by us from their calender. The other 3 "off-site" events are shows that we set up but we agree to promote TSE (make a speech, pass out post-cards, etc.)

Anne came up with some more precise wording of all that, but I wasn't really listening so maybe she can speak to that in the comments. Kerry was also bustin' to break out the red pen and fix some word usage issues but I think we held her back.

We had a new sousaphone player show up! Yeah! Her name is Larkin and she attends Durham School of the Arts. High School Sucks. She saw one of our year-old fliers that was hanging up in TSE - go figure...

Then we worked our the dance number we started last week. I believe it's now called the SOC-Rovers squirm. Nix wrote down the steps and might follow up with some pictures. I know there was a "spy" move and a "spirit-fingers" (not to be confused with "jazz hands) move.

Then we did a long, fun cobra and she-shimmy and called it a night.

how does this crazy thing work!!

I'm trying to figure out how to find the "layout" tab. It looks like you have to "update" this version of blogger to insert a poll. While I figure that one out, post a comment if you can't make practice tonight...(Sunday, January 11, 2009).

In the meantime I'll play with this thingy and see if I can get it to do what I want it to.